We offer some finest inshell and shelled walnuts(kernel) with a freshness and quality that you must have never seen before. We source our walnuts from the regions which are famous for producing worlds finest walnuts.
Walnuts are one of nature's most delicious products, with more health benefits than you can imagine.
Make Walnuts a part of your regular diet and see the health benefits
About Walnuts
Walnuts, belonging to a small order of trees and shrubs known as jugulandeae, in India, are grown in plenty in Kupwara and shopian in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Kashmir, the land of walnuts.
Walnuts are rounded, single-seeded stone fruits of the walnut tree. The walnut fruit is enclosed in a green, leathery, fleshy husk. This husk is inedible. After harvest, the removal of the husk reveals the wrinkly walnut shell, which is in two halves. This shell is hard and encloses the kernel, which is also made up of two halves separated by a partition. The seed kernels - commonly available as shelled walnuts - are enclosed in a brown seed coat which contains antioxidants. The antioxidants protect the oil-rich seed from atmospheric oxygen so preventing rancidity
Walnuts are high-energy food, rich in oil, vitamins, and minerals and are good for heart, blood system and for lowering cholesterol. Walnut is used as a cancer therapy drug and in cosmetics, having good moisturizing, anti-aging and regenerative properties. Walnuts are also used in a variety of sweet and savoury recipes which includes cakes, breads, etc.

Nutritional Value per 100g

Principle Nutrient Value
Energy 654 Kcal
Carbohydrates 13.71 g
Protein 15.23 g
Total Fat 65.21 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Dietary Fiber 6.7 g
Vitamin A 20 mg
Vitamin C 1.3 mg
Sodium 2 mg
Potassium 441 mg
Calcium 98 mg
Copper 1.5 mg
Iron 2.9 mg
Moisture 4-5%

Key Benefits to the Cardiovascular System

Some of the benefits that have been found include;
Omega-3 is known to help cardiovascular system including blood pressure. This makes walnuts a great part of any diet especially for snacking. Of course, it is worth remembering that different varieties of walnuts contain different amounts of key minerals.
Inshell Walnuts And Walnut Kernels
Theres a huge demand for both inshell walnut and kernals in domestic as well as international market. Approximately 32000-35000 metric tones is the annual production of inshell Walnuts in India and almost the entire produce is sold out, either exported or consumed in the domestic market.
Why are Indian Walnuts Superior
About Us
We Stick to standards for best practice in all aspects of walnut processing & production, grading, packaging and marketing and ensure that our customers get quality they have been looking for.
With an experience of more than 50 years ,we are one of the major exporters of inshell walnuts and kernels from India and have patronage in Europe ,middle east and far east.
Optimum Quality
After going through stringent quality control measures like microbiological tests and moisture drying procedures, both the inshell walnut and kernels are graded according to the size and colour. After proper nitrogen flushing they are packed in our branded vaccumised consumer packagings of the sizes 250g ,500g, and I kg ready for the consumer to savour and enjoy.
We also offer bulk vaccum packagings of 2 x 5kg for our bulk buyers

Grades Of Kernels

Light Light Halves

Light Halves

Light Light Amber Halves

Light Amber Halves

Light Quarters

Light Brokens

Light Amber Brokens

Small Light Pieces

Brown Broken

AN ISO 9001:2008